Easy cooking with sauces in UniPak

Easy cooking with sauces in UniPak

The season calls for indoor cooking and the Danish food producer Jensen’s Køkken has aptly launched two new sauces in a UniPak pot from RPC Superfos. Both the pot and the content pave the way for quality and convenience in the home kitchen.

While already selling a range of sauces in bottles, the Danish food producer Jensen’s Køkken has now launched two new types of sauces in a UniPak pot from RPC Superfos. They are great for cooking easy winter meals at home and are different from the existing range, as they are more like a base sauce than an accompaniment. Therefore the packaging has to set them apart as well.

Convenience is king
Jensen’s Køkken (Køkken is Danish for Kitchen) provides precooked meals, sauces, salads and more for a restaurant chain, retailers and the foodservice industry. Maibritt Bisgaard, Trade-Marketing Coordinator at Jensen’s Køkken, says about the new sauces that are now sold in supermarkets:

“We picked the UniPak solution because it offers convenience for the end-user, looks good and comes from a reliable packaging provider, namely RPC Superfos.”

The two new types of sauces are a classic tomato-herb sauce and a curry-herb sauce. Both are the perfect base for popular dishes with rice and pasta such as spaghetti bolognese or chicken stew. The UniPak pot is easy to pour from, and by using a spoon or some milk, cream or wine you can empty it completely.

Part of the lid is transparent
At the supermarket, the new sauces are placed in the cold counter typically next to the fresh meat and Maibritt Bisgaard appreciates that the UniPak pot makes it easy to spot them. The lid has a see-through area, which not only gives the entire packaging an extra twist but also makes it possible to get a preview of the content. She says:

“UniPak is a lovely pot with a strong visual impact from the top and also from the side. We are happy about the facing that it gives to our sauces.”

Trusted packaging provider
Asked why the choice fell on the UniPak solution from RPC Superfos, Maibritt Bisgaard explains:
“We already know the qualities of the UniPak pot as we use it for our coleslaw salad. We have worked with RPC Superfos for several years, and also this time the cooperation has been smooth and the project well run - as expected.”
The sauces have just been launched on the Danish market, and though it is too early to conclude on the sales yet, everything looks promising. 

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Berry Superfos
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Berry Superfos
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