Babyfood: Made with love and filled in UniPak

Babyfood: Made with love and filled in UniPak

A gap in the market for baby food is now being closed by a Danish mother and entrepreneur. A few months ago, she started selling organic, healthy baby food in a packaging from RPC Superfos. The food is frozen, not preserved and called lovemade.

Silvia Wulff is a mother of two and has always been a busy business woman. She now has her own company, lovemade, which was sparked by her personal experience with baby food.

Silvia Wulff really wanted to feed her babies with healthy, organic and homemade food but found it hard to find time to prepare it herself. Her search for the right product at the supermarket was in vain, and so she decided to make healthy and convenient baby food her business. Her company lovemade saw the light of day in 2011 and now she’s launching the frozen baby food in her choice of packaging, UniPak:

“Above all, I was looking for a packaging that should not contain any harmful ingredients what so ever. From another producer of organic food I learned about UniPak and was thrilled to find out that it is safe and convenient. I considered a range of other packaging options, but at the end of the day my choice fell on UniPak.”

A great packaging for a special product
Silvia Wulff points out that UniPak withstands blast freezing; at the same time it is safe for microwave, dish washer and freezer. Also, it can be used at home over and over again after the original content has been finished.

“I like the thought of parents cooking their own healthy meal for their babies and freezing small portions of it in a UniPak packaging where there used to be food from lovemade. It is only good that the packaging can be re-used in households for various purposes.”

The baby food sold under the brand lovemade is of high-end quality and is prepared following recipes created by two Danish top chefs: One of the dishes is “tender beef in a mash of potatoes and parsnip spiced with garlic, bay leaves and olive oil” - so the packaging must be excellent as well. UniPak does the trick, also because of the easy opening feature. Silvia Wulff has opted for the round shape: lid off, it is very similar to a bowl. Taken from the freezer, the baby can enjoy the meal directly off the packaging after only four minutes in the microwave oven.

New location for baby food
Lovemade can be found at the display freezer at the supermarket which is an untraditional location for baby food. This may be a challenge but Silvia Wulff is confident that it will be overcome when the word about the new baby food product has spread. Lovemade comes in six varieties and each of them has a packaging with a strong and clear colour. Silvia Wulff explains:

“In the very beginning, we worked with pastels but discovered that it takes more than that to get the attention of the consumers. The relatively small containers with baby food must make some visual noise at the display freezer and it is an advantage that we can decorate the lid as we please to achieve the desired effect.”

Many positive reactions to Lovemade babyfood have reached Silvia Wulff on trade fairs and not least via Facebook. Sales at the most important Danish supermarkets have had a good start. And isn’t it what all parents want for their babies - a good start in life.

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Sten Meldgaard
Area Sales & KA Manager
Phone: +45 4027 2048

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