LongLife for pet food

LongLife for pet food

Do you want to be different than your competitors in the pet food market? Superfos now launches a new square plastic pack that is an excellent alternative to the traditional aluminium tray for pet food.

Swap from aluminium to plastic
The wet pet food market today is dominated by the traditional aluminium tray, so if you as a pet food producer want to stand out, our new rigid LongLife™ plastic pack is the perfect choice. With full support from Superfos you may keep or increase your market share through a secure packaging conversion process.

LongLife™ pack suitable for autoclave
LongLife™ is a very high quality packaging for wet pet food suitable for autoclave and offers high filling speed. The LongLife™ pack also has a UV light barrier protection and an oxygen barrier for extended shelf life.

Re-closing for convenience
The design of the new pack gives pet owners the right level of convenience in terms of functionality and protection of the content. It comes in a perfect size for smaller single serve meals: 115 ml (or 100 g).
The pack is re-closable which means that pet owners can avoid fridge odours from any left-overs: all the customer has to do is re-close the pack, and the lid will prevent odour transmission.

Eye-catching graphics of any kind
For obvious reasons, the end-user – the pet – has no say in the purchase decision process, so your promotion and marketing activities addresses the pet owner. You can have whatever artwork design works well in your market thanks to the in-mould labelling technique from Superfos.

With in-mould labelling anything is possible: showing a perfect picture of pet food bites; inserting a clear nutritional table or pictures of adorable pets. Whatever your choice, you get premium printing quality on all surfaces.

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Ignacio Igea
Sales Director
Spain & Portugal
Phone: +34 948 321 709

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Mikel Iragui
Area Sales Manager
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Phone: +34 609 049 950

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Josep Narro
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Catalunya & Eastern part
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Phone: +34 619 711 250

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Daniel Barrero
Area Sales Manager
Southern part of Spain
Phone: +34 629 517 113

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A medida Custom containers promote uniqueness

Custom containers promote uniqueness

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