ISO 50001 Energy Management System - certificates

ISO 50001 Energy Management System - certificates

Climate change urges all producers to minimise energy consumption. This also applies to your packaging provider. Superfos follows a policy to develop more efficient use of energy and makes regular reviews to monitor progress.

Your packaging solution should be competitive in all aspects, including the amount of energy used to produce it. Therefore, an energy efficient manufacturing process with an ongoing programme to reduce power consumption are essentials.

Superfos offers you peace of mind in this respect. Some of our most energy intensive factories hold ISO 50001 certificates issued by independent Certification Institutes. We have dedicated energy teams and systems in place to monitor the current consumption of all utilities: electricity, water, gas and diesel. On a continuing basis, we implement better ways of using energy, combined with training and increased awareness.

All policies related to our Energy Management System are available upon request to your local contact.

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Sebastien Morey
Operations Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +33 385 32 2755

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Spotorno Allé 8
DK-2630 Taastrup
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Phone: +45 5911 1110
Fax: +45 5911 1180
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Phone: +45 5911 1110
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