New product: EasyDose®

New product: EasyDose®

Our product range has been extended with a great novelty: EasyDose®. It is a container for household purposes - handy, simple and convenient for exact quantities.

EasyDose® is an outstanding household container for any product which should be dosed exactly. The special feature of EasyDose® is an integrated automatic multi-dosing system making sure that the exact, desired quantity comes out of the container every time it is used.

EasyDose® is the perfect aid for everyday doings
In the everyday life there are numerous products which are needed in precise doses. Just think of washing powder, baby food, pet food, rice, coffee and cooking ingredients at a large. With EasyDose®, there is no need to use measure cups, spoons or scales.

Household item or marketing tool
“EasyDose® is completely new in our range and for the first time we can offer a container which is to be filled at home at the leisure of the consumer,” says Group Product Manager Birthe Bebe Nielsen and continues:

“This product aims at retailers in the household segments, but could also be used by B2C companies selling and/or producing products in the form of powder, granular or pellets. Here, EasyDose® could be used to reward customer loyalty as a free gift during a special campaign period. It will strengthen the brand and may entail added sales of refill.”

Designed for easy use
It is absolutely uncomplicated to use EasyDose®. It is a perfectly balanced, naturally shaped container that can be used with one hand only. It is convenient for all from children to elderly people; it is perfect for the visually impaired and for people with feeble hands. EasyDose® guaranties hassle-free dosage for everybody, time after time.
Superfos delivers EasyDose® in two sizes: 1,5L and 2,2L. The lid and plates are available in a multitude of colours. Decorations can be made with in-Mould Labelling.

Czy chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej?

Wiesława Lusztak
Area Sales Manager
Non-Food Poland
Lubień Kujawski, Poland
Phone: +48 662 228 869

Czy chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej?

Aneta Wlodarczyk
Area Sales Manager
Food Poland
Poznań, Poland
Phone: +48 601 150 977

Czy chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej?

Krzysztof Marzec
Area Sales Manager
Lubień Kujawski, Poland
Phone: +48 664 401 522

Czy chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej?

Zbigniew Hryniewicz
Sales Director
Berry Superfos
Phone: +48 54 4291000

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