Free pail boosts sales of dog food

Free pail boosts sales of dog food

A complementary plastic pail for storage is an efficient way to promote dry pet food, according to Champion Petfoods. Right now, the Canadian company has success with free pails and measuring cups made and distributed by RPC Superfos throughout Europe.

Words like “free” or “complimentary” have a splendid impact on most consumers. Champion Petfoods based in Canada produces BIOLOGICALLY APPROPRIATE dry pet food for dogs and cats - and is not inclined to give away their products; instead they hand out free measuring cups and storage pails for pet food.

Useful promotional items
The promotion set-up is quite simple: Free measuring cups are on shelves and pet owners can help themselves and just pick one. The storage pail is a loyalty gift to dog owners who buy 13 kg dry pet food of one of the two brands Acana®or Orijen®. Champion Petfoods decided to let RPC Superfos produce the items.
Once a bag of pet food has been opened, the content should be stored in a dry place away from sunlight, and the Hobbock® pails from RPC Superfos are perfect for this purpose. Further, with in-mould-labelling they create a high visual impact. For the measuring cups, Champion Petfoods applies the RingLock® and UniPak® pots.

Flawless logistics across Europe
To Champion Petfoods the right choice of a packaging supplier was not only a question of production and decoration options; the logistic capabilities played an important part, too, when RPC Superfos was selected. Fabrizio Spena, Sales Manager for Europe, Champion Petfoods explains:

“Our pet food is available in 70 countries around the world, of these about 30 are in Europe. We solely distribute our products through pet speciality shops and we wanted to offer consistent promotional items to our distributors regardless of geography. This is why we very much appreciate that RPC Superfos cannot only produce beautiful pails and measuring cups, but can also handle the logistics for us across Europe.”

Sales went up by 35 per cent
RPC Superfos has 15 Distribution Centres, from which the about 30 countries are supplied with the promotional items from Champion Petfoods. The activity has entailed stunning results.

“In this campaign, one of the first countries to be served was Greece. Here we had great success; the complimentary pail boosted sales by no less than 35 per cent. We have received clearly positive feedback from very satisfied pet speciality shops and veterinarian practices. On top of this, all our requirements as to logistics have been met and generally we are very happy with how things are going,” Fabrizio Spena concludes.

Champion Petfoods was established 1981. The five key features of their products are that they are BIOLOGICALLY APPROPRIATE pet food, made from fresh regional ingredients, high content of meat and fresh meat and very low in carbohydrates, contain whole fruits and vegetables; they consist of diverse meat ingredients and are meat concentrated.

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