Christmas Greetings

Christmas Greetings

Dear Valued Customer

Instead of sending Christmas Cards and gifts, RPC Superfos donate the money to Doctors without Borders and other aid organisations.

We hope, that you will appreciate our good intentions and thank you for a good cooperation during 2011.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

¿Quiere saber más?

Ignacio Igea
Sales Director
Spain & Portugal
Phone: +34 948 321 709

¿Quiere saber más?

Mikel Iragui
Area Sales Manager
Northern & Center part of
Phone: +34 609 049 950

¿Quiere saber más?

Josep Narro
Area Sales Manager
Catalunya & Eastern part
of Spain
Phone: +34 619 711 250

¿Quiere saber más?

Daniel Barrero
Area Sales Manager
Southern part of Spain
Phone: +34 629 517 113

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Berry Superfos
Head Office
Spotorno Allé 8
DK-2630 Taastrup
General Inquiries
Phone: +45 5911 1110
Fax: +45 5911 1180
Sales Inquiries
Phone: +45 5911 1110
Fax: +45 5911 1180

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