Looking for alternatives?

Looking for alternatives?

Plastic packaging has many benefits and is a true alternative for many segments. Easy handling, light weight, long shelf life and high stackability efficiency. There’s most likely something in it for you, too.

The only constant in our time is change. Shopping patterns alter, markets evolve and productions methods improve. What used to be the standard solution is no longer the most favourable option. This goes for packaging as well.

Today, injection moulded plastic packaging offers a wealth of qualities and is undoubtedly a true alternative to the traditional range of packaging solutions.

  • Thin wall packaging (TWP) is a great alternative to thermoformed packaging because it offers improved decoration quality and normally contributes to better logistics management.
  • Light weight plastic with an extremely low oxygen transmission rate is an option if you would like to replace glass.
  • Make stackable and shock resistant plastic containers your next choice if you consider leaving metal containers behind.

Producers who have taken the step from glass or metal to plastic often say that they experience an efficient supply chain and smooth logistic management. They also state that their brand is presented clearly and uniformly on the injection moulded packaging where the label is an integral part of the final packaging product. And customers note how easy it is to stack and store plastic containers - with or without content.

The weight of plastic means that transportation costs tend to decrease after conversion. Sustainability is at hand with plastic packaging. We are very conscious of the carbon footprint – both our own and the one of our customers’.

If you are interested in learning more about the alternative packaging solutions applicable for your products, our sales team would be more than pleased to hear from you. sales@rpc-superfos.com

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Phone: +44 1572 723 771

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Phone: +44 797 111 7718

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Custom Custom containers promote uniqueness

Custom containers promote uniqueness

If you’re looking for packaging to add uniqueness to your brand, you’ve come to the right place.

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