Shell’s Packaging Supplier of the Year

Shell’s Packaging Supplier of the Year

The business performance of RPC Superfos has impressed Shell EMEA to such an extent that Shell has appointed RPC Superfos Packaging Supplier of the Year.

Every month, the Shell EMEA Packaging Category Team reviews the performance of their suppliers.  And each month of 2015, RPC Superfos did so well that Shell appointed them their Packaging Supplier of the Year.

Søren Rohleder, Regional Director,  RPC Superfos Region Central Europe, feels privileged to receive the merit award:

“It is absolutely pleasing to receive this recognition of the quality in our packaging supplies and services. We appreciate our working relationship with Shell and we are eager to continue and expand our cooperation.”

RPC Superfos supplies Shell EMEA with 20 litres containers of the UN Series which are used in Shell factories throughout Europe for lubricants. The containers meet UN Safety requirements and are designed for the transportation of sensitive goods.

Excellent business performance
Shell EMEA has standardized their Supplier Ranking according to some carefully selected criteria and RPC Superfos came out in top in several of them.

“The efforts of RPC Superfos have been consistent and noteworthy. We appreciate their excellent business performance, not least in the fields of Health, Safety, Security & Environment, Quality, Communication & Responsiveness and Collaborative Supplier Value,” says Halenur Figen, Shell’s Packaging Procurement Manager EMEA. She adds:

“We are committed to a programme of ranking suppliers to ensure best quality, sustainability and overall performance throughout the lifetime of any contract.”

The award ‘Packaging Supplier of the Year 2015’ was given to RPC Superfos in Rotterdam by Andries Nelemans, Global Commercial Senior Procurement Manager, Shell EMEA.

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