RPC Superfos packaging eligible for German Packaging Award 2011

RPC Superfos packaging eligible for German Packaging Award 2011

The jury of one of the most important European trade competitions, German Packaging Award, has nominated both SuperLock and EasyDose in the category sales packaging.

Out of a pool of about 240 entries, SuperLock and EasyDose have been nominated for the much-coveted award Deutscher Verpackungspreis, or German Packaging Award. The jury consist of highly qualified professionals from the field of packaging, representing a complete range of perspectives including from the academic world, retailers, international packaging producers and recycling organisations. All members of the jury are experienced and independent.

Nomination is a success in itself
The competition for a German Packaging Award is open to participants from all countries. Sales and Marketing Manager at RPC Superfos Germany, Uwe Zinnert, is excited about having two products from RPC Superfos as candidates for a German Packaging Award:

 “The two nominations in themselves are an achievement which we are proud of already. It documents the strength of our products: SuperLock features barrier protection on all surfaces and EasyDose has a unique integrated dosing system. However, we are also aware that competition is fierce.”

What the jury says so far
The official grounds for the nominations show how the jury has gauged the RPC Superfos packaging solutions SuperLock and EasyDose until now. Here are the main points from the jury:

“The SuperLock PP-packaging with screw-on lid and barrier protection convinced the jury due to the consistent implementation of the In-Mould labelling technology in connection with a high level barrier quality and a very user friendly system for opening and re-closing.”

“The packaging Easy Dose was nominated because of its versatility, the various type of filling and the dosage system. The easy use is also to be highlighted as is the option for decoration thanks to In-Mould Labelling.”

And the winner is...
There are several awards in each of the seven categories of the competition and an award automatically paves the way for a nomination for the World Packaging Award. The award ceremony will take place in Nürnberg, Germany, at the occasion of Brau Beviale on Wednesday 9 November 2011.

 “Based on reactions from our customers who use SuperLock and EasyDose we know that these two packaging solutions have a good chance of a high score on decisive criteria such as innovation, originality, technology, functionality and safety,” says Uwe Zinnert who looks forward to the festive ceremony in Nürnberg.

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