RPC Superfos engages in political dialogue about national plastic plan

RPC Superfos engages in political dialogue about national plastic plan

How we deal with plastic today and in the future was on the agenda, when Danish MP Britt Bager visited RPC Superfos Stilling, Denmark.

Britt Bager, Member of Parliament in Denmark and spokesperson for the liberal government party “Venstre”, recently paid a visit to RPC Superfos Stilling, Denmark. Her visit forms part of the preparatory work ahead of political negotiations in Denmark about a national plastic action plan, expected to be finalised in the coming months.

Streamline the sorting and collection of used plastic
Lars Smidt, Factory Manager of RPC Superfos Stilling, warmly welcomed the Danish MP and enjoyed showing her around the facility. Obviously, the visit presented a perfect opportunity to state that RPC Superfos advocates consistent and effective recycling of plastic, and supports the idea of sustainable development. In fact, plastic in itself has multiple merits and is indispensable for the circular economy:

“Let’s not forget that plastic is a fantastic material protecting costly food products, thereby helping society to reduce food waste. It is lightweight, resource efficient and a durable packaging material which allows us to create a more sustainable future, all while promoting recycling and waste control,” he explains.

“RPC Superfos already uses Post-Consumer Recycled material (PCR), however, we would like to purchase a much larger amount for our production − it is a valuable resource. As there are so many different ways of handling plastic waste in Denmark today, there are challenges to be addressed and definitely room for improvement, a point which we were pleased to discuss with Britt Bager during her visit,” Lars Smidt adds.

Towards a more sustainable future
In the same way, Søren Marcussen, Regional Director, RPC Superfos Region Nordic, appreciates the dialogue within the political sphere, including through the innovation project ‘Forum for Circular Plastic Packaging’. Under the scope of the Forum, RPC Superfos works to harmonise and streamline the sorting and collection of plastic waste.

“After the visit at RPC Superfos Stilling, we are sure that MP Britt Bager understands our point of view better and appreciates that RPC Superfos already takes a sustainability approach to the production of plastic packaging, also in terms of weight, shapes, colours and materials. We trust that, in this way, we make a positive impact on the national plastic action plan,” Søren Marcussen concludes.

The visit was organised in collaboration with the Danish Plastic Trade Organisation.

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