Expansion in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Expansion in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Based on the continued success in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the RPC Superfos Balkans in Gračanica now invests in further output capacity.

The production and storage capacity of RPC Superfos Balkans in Bosnia and Herzegovina will increase significantly within the next year: Following a growing demand for packaging in the Balkan region, the RPC Group has decided to make a EUR 3.3 million investment in an expansion. The construction work is scheduled for completion within a year.

More customers will enjoy locally produced packs
Suad Helić, Managing Director of RPC Superfos Balkans says:

“The expansion means that we will be able to deliver high-quality packaging solutions to more customers in the wider Balkan region; to food as well as non-food producers. Not only will more customers enjoy a bigger range of packaging, more customers will also benefit from local production of their packaging solution. A reasonably short distance to the packaging provider means reduced time-to-market, higher efficiency and lower transportation costs.”

Background information
Until July last year, RPC Superfos Balkans was trading under the name Helioplast and was acquired by the RPC Group in December 2013. Helioplast dates back to 1979 and grew from a small family company into a large, acknowledged and successful company with significant international business. Within the past two years, the company has experienced double-digit growth rates.

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