Berry Superfos plays its part in Berry Global’s sustainability progress

Berry Superfos plays its part in Berry Global’s sustainability progress

Berry Global recently launched its 2021 Impact Report, which signals significant progress in meeting its ambitious worldwide Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) targets.

The primary focus is Sustainability in Action. With these three words, Berry Global proudly summarises the company’s approach to corporate responsibility in its recently published 2021 Impact Report. Achievements highlighted include investments in sustainable packaging, increased use of recycled and circular plastics and reductions in carbon emissions

“2021 was a year of action for Berry. From unmatched access to recycled material and strategic partnerships to innovative products, Berry is taking action on its ambitious sustainability goals to best serve customers,” said Tom Salmon, CEO and Chairman of the Board at Berry Global.

All activities reported contribute toward Berry’s Impact 2025 targets. Across three areas – products, performance and partners – Berry has already hit eight targets and is on course to achieve the rest.

Among the successes detailed in the report, Berry announced that 86% of its fast-moving consumer products are now reusable, recyclable and/or compostable, on target for achieving 100% by 2025. Alongside this, the company reported increases in the use of circular plastics and lighter weight products.

Part of the action
Berry Superfos is very much part of the action for improved sustainability.

“Like Berry Global as a whole, Berry Superfos innovates to improve the sustainability of packaging solutions. For example, we are now able to offer customers several of our most popular non-food industrial packaging series with 30% to 80% PCR (post-consumer recycled material), and made solely of one material which makes recycling easy,” said Søren Rohleder, CEO of Berry Superfos.

“Another example is our pioneering circular packaging solution for the food industry: packaging in polypropylene (PP) made from recycled plastic or biobased material, for instance frying oil waste, with the same quality as virgin material,” he continued. “Since we want to provide this solution to customers across our markets, an increasing number of Berry Superfos facilities throughout Europe hold the necessary ISCC PLUS certification.”

New goal for carbon emission reduction
In terms of the performance of Berry Global’s production facilities, the company has already achieved its target of an 8% reduction in Scope 3 carbon emissions from a 2019 baseline. Having surpassed the initial goal four years ahead of schedule, the company has now set a new target aligned with limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Safety and training remain key priorities
The 2021 Impact Report also underlines Berry Global’s commitment to its employees, particularly in terms of ensuring their safety, but also in areas such as employee engagement, developing the skills of team members, and supporting the communities in which the company operates. For example, Berry employees completed 1.8 million training hours – an average of 40 hours per person, while the company surpassed its target of bringing the Total Recordable Incident Rate below one.

At Berry Superfos, several of our facilities set new records in the number of years without any reportable accidents; including 12 years in Bremervörde, Germany, 10 years in Kruszwica, Poland, and 8 years in Blackburn, UK. 

Read the Berry Global 2021 Impact Report here.

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