A more balanced approach to the role of plastic

A more balanced approach to the role of plastic

To balance the public debate about plastic, the RPC Group has now issued a special edition of RPC Matters, solely focusing on sustainability. It highlights the significant contribution which plastic already makes towards a more sustainable future.

Plastic is part of your everyday life, be it as an RPC Superfos customer or as a consumer and citizen. As such, you might have experienced that the current negative publicity surrounding plastic and plastic packaging leads to confusion and uncertainty.

For instance, some think that waste issues would vanish if plastic, as a material, was eliminated. This ignores one key fact, namely that removing one material from the waste stream will result in another. The problem of waste is a man-made issue.

Find answers to your questions
Being a leading producer of plastic packaging, we wish to contribute to the discussion with a more balanced approach. To this end, we invite you to please take a moment and browse through a Special Edition of the customer newsletter, RPC Matters, dedicated to sustainability.

You will find answers to questions such as why you should use plastic packaging? What happens to food without packaging? Would a plastic-free aisle in the supermarket actually help to reduce plastic litter in the ocean?

Towards a more sustainable future
Irrefutably, we need to manage plastic at its life-end and improve the way plastic litter is collected, sorted and recycled. As a responsible company, we promote recycling and waste control for a more sustainable future. RPC Superfos actively takes part in the innovation project ‘Forum for Circular Plastic Packaging’; an initiative launched by the Danish Plastic Trade Organisation and the Danish Society of Nature Conservation.

Get the full picture
A packaging choice must make sense both from an economic and environmental point of view; this applies to the entire value chain from production and transportation to recycling. In the context of product packaging, plastic delivers a strong performance. Plastic is a valuable resource which has a positive impact on our society’s efforts to develop a sustainable circular economy.

Kindly click to read the Special Edition – Sustainability and feel free to get in touch with your usual point of contact at RPC Superfos, should you have any questions or comments.

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