Sustainability matters

Sustainability matters

Plastic is a recyclable and valuable resource and forms an inherent part of the circular economy. RPC Superfos designs packaging solutions for you with sustainability in mind. Get an update on facts and read more about our initiatives and policies here.

Plastic packaging protects and preserves your products. Plastic is a resource efficient material and provides many advantages for consumers, suppliers and society. It is lightweight, secure, versatile, durable − and key for reducing food waste. Further, plastic is not a drain on our natural resources and plastic packaging only accounts for 1,5% of oil and gas use.

However, no one wishes to see plastic waste in the marine or land environment; a man-made issue. We need to manage plastic at its end-of-life and re-use, recycle and extend the lifecycle of plastic packaging as long as possible in the scope of a growing circular economy.

Please browse through this section of our website to take a more balanced approach to plastic packaging.

For further information please also visit RPC Group.



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Berry Superfos
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Spotorno Allé 8
DK-2630 Taastrup
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