Versatile plastic packaging suits tobacco

Versatile plastic packaging suits tobacco

British American Tobacco Niemeyer now sells tobacco in the highly functional packaging solution SuperLift from RPC Superfos. It meets the strict quality requirements regarding granulate and barrier properties.

In Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany the market for tobacco for Make-Your-Own (MYO) cigarettes is growing. Now the smokers can get tobacco sold under the brand Pall Mall in a handy plastic container from RPC Superfos.

British American Tobacco (BAT) Niemeyer is the company behind the famous Pall Mall MYO. BAT Niemeyer is part of British American Tobacco, being active in 180 markets worldwide. It is one of the most international tobacco companies in the world and employs more than 60,000 people worldwide. One of eight smokers in the world regularly enjoys a product from BAT.

The traditional packaging for the MYO-tobacco is plastic bags or composite cans but BAT observed a new trend on the MYO market in central Europe: plastic containers appeared to become increasingly popular so BAT decided to launch tobacco in plastic containers.

SuperLift® meets strict requirements
According to Bas Castelijn, Sourcing Manager at BAT Western Europe, the number of plastic packaging suppliers which offer a standard solution with In-Mould Labelling is limited. Therefore, BAT was thrilled to find out that RPC Superfos can offer this and also delivers a packaging solution with a range of important qualities.

“The container SuperLift gives us what we want from the packaging of our MYO tobacco. The shelf life is absolutely good because the excellent barrier properties of SuperLift ensure the moisture of the tobacco and thus the fine taste. Also, we have very strict requirements to the ingredients of granulate used for the packaging material because we want to ensure that it does not affect our product. This was made certain when our Material Guidance Panel approved the technical specifications from the sub-supplier of RPC Superfos,” Bas Castelijn explains.
RPC Superfos was in charge of the technical drawings of the label while BAT took care of the creative brand drawings and the legal requirements as to health warnings. SuperLift offers unique branding opportunities with high quality razor sharp graphic representation. Opening and reclosing of the container is easy. Also, it makes an audible click so that end users know that the lid is correctly in place and the tobacco stays fresh in the container.

The packaging project was not a routine job for RPC Superfos and BAT but it was a clear success:

“The cooperation with RPC Superfos went very well. Together, we have done a good job for this new line extension and the end user is happy about MYO tobacco in a SuperLift container,” says Bas Castelijn.

Want to know more?

Søren Rohleder
Regional Sales Director
Central Europe
Phone: +49 40 8539 010

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