How Superfos contributes to the circular economy

How Superfos contributes to the circular economy

Our Group has created a unique grading tool as an easy visual guide to indicate recyclability and other circular economy benefits of packaging designs. The implementation of the tool throughout Superfos is just one example of how we contribute to the development of the circular economy.

“Superfos is contributing to the circular economy and we want to help our customers do the same,” says Uwe Zinnert, Business Development Manager at Superfos.

Towards the circular economy
So what does this actually mean? While the linear economy essentially follows the idea of “take, make and waste”, the circular economy focuses on the efficient use of resources and production of goods that do not generate any waste. Industries can also contribute to minimising their impact on the natural environment and limiting use of natural resources by using clean technology and renewable energy.

The Circular Grading Tool
Besides ongoing efforts to become increasingly energy and water efficient, Superfos is focused on designing packaging products in a way that allows for the efficient use of resources and the potential of reuse and recycling. In fact, the products we produce are already to a high degree recyclable. Superfos is implementing the use of the Circular Grading Tool, developed by the former RPC Group, to evaluate packaging designs in light of circular economy principles.

The grading tool provides a visual representation of how recyclable a piece of plastic packaging is, on a scale from A to F. The tool also indicates if the packaging is lightweight, can be reused or contains recycled, biobased or biodegradable materials. Visually, the grading tool resembles the energy efficiency labelling used on electrical appliances throughout Europe. The Circular Grading Tool is based on the Recyclass System, developed by Plastics Recyclers Europe.

“Our massive experience and knowledge in the field enables us to supply our customers with expert advice about recyclability. The new grading scale enables us to engage in a dialogue with customers within a common framework to discuss sustainability and the circular economy,” explains Uwe Zinnert.

We use recycled material
For the production of rigid plastic packaging, Superfos is increasingly using PCR and PIR (Post-Consumer Recycled material and Post-Industrial Recycled material) targeted at non-food products. For food product packaging we focus on developing solutions using recycled material. The Berry bpi Group acquisition of PLASgran, a leading UK plastic recycler, ensures we are at the forefront of development in this field.

If you would like to discuss how we can help you develop sustainable packaging solutions, please contact us at Superfos. We are ready to use our expertise to guide you. 

Want to know more?

Mark Seddon
IKAM Director
Global Accounts
Phone: +44 1572 723 771

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Lois Robinson
Area Sales Manager
Phone: +44 7866 537820

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Nicola Fielding
Area Sales Manager
Phone: +44 1254 682298

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Sean Finney
Business Development Manager
Phone: +44 7968 809182

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Anne-Marie Rooney
Commercial Support Manager
Phone: +44 7971 117701

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Caroline Root
UK & Regional Sales Manager
Phone: +44 7795 121537

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Jenna Callaghan
Sales Development Executive
Phone: +44 797 111 7718

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